New GUI (Graphical User Interface) and compatible with Windows 10.Bug of number of layers in “Move to Layer” has been fixed.Enhancements on checking crossed contours in “Vectorizer” tool.Enhancements on updating 3D nodes in “Layer Manager” dialog.New “Leveled Zig Zag” filling option in “Vectorizer” and “Fill” tools.Viewing the length of vector in “Extend” tool.New “ Snap to Object” in “Measure” tool.New features and enhancements in Robotuft add-on: (Robotuft only).Some bugs in changing menu style has been fixed.Bug of docking the “Dockable Forms” from right to left or wise versa has been fixed.In “Vintage” dialog bug of “High Threshold Level” has been fixed.Bug of resolution has been fixed in “Carpet Simulation” for avoiding undesired aspect ratio.Bugs of design aspect ratio has been fixed in “Room Decoration” function (Pro+ only).Some enhancements on “Pattern” dialog for zooming the pattern and Drag and Drop the pattern on design by left click.Some enhancements on “Edit Palette” dialog while changing the color names.“Threshold” filter will change the designs into Grayscale automatically.Thickness of grid lines now can be up to 30 pixels.Updating the header and footer while editing.

New functions and enhancements on “ Pile & Loop Combiner” function and “Double Workers” effects: (Pro+ only).